
Partnership in Action: Lithuania and the UK

Kevin Cardinal Lithuanian PM

The Chancellor of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Lithuania, Mr Algirdas Stončaitis, led a delegation from the Lithuanian Internal Affairs Ministry and Lithuanian Police to meet with Cardinal Vincent Nichols, the President of the Santa Marta Group, on 21 March in London.

The Lithuanian delegation also included the Commissioner General of the Lithuanian Police, Mr Linas Pernavas, the Deputy Commissioner General, the Chaplain of the Lithuanian Police, representatives from the Lithuanian Embassy in London and the Lithuanian Chaplain for the UK. Also present at the meeting were Mr Kevin Hyland, the UK’s Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner, and the Santa Marta Group team from the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales.

The meeting was an opportunity to share knowledge and best practice between the Santa Marta Group in the UK and the Santa Marta Group in Lithuania. It was an encouraging sign to see the effectiveness of Police, Church and Government working together to eradicate human trafficking and modern day slavery.

For more information on the Santa Marta Group Lithuania please go to their website: Šventosios Mortos grupė (