Priority 2

Tainted Money

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Stopping criminal tainted money – a commitment that no-one should profit from human trafficking and modern slavery.

The Santa Marta Group wants to see profits from human trafficking and modern slavery seized and used to provide victims with reparations and compensation and to resource the fight against exploitation. Identifying the profits from large businesses or those in direct receipt of profit from exploitation, even unknowingly, is essential to make this crime unattractive and one that does not pay.

Tainted Money infographic

To do this, the Santa Marta Group will:

  • Work with governments and businesses to build a consensus for ‘No Tainted Money’.
  • Encourage communities to influence local leaders to ensure there is ‘No Tainted Money’ in their community.
  • Influence the G20, EU, OECD, World Bank and other multi-lateral bodies to adopt and promote this ’No Tainted Money’ principle.

How will we know if it is working:

  • The G20 would adopt the ‘No Tainted Money’ principle into the Leaders’ Declaration.
  • Leaders in business, financial and international law firms would engage in identifying and stopping ‘Tainted Money’.
  • Contracts and procurement tenders would include a sanctions clause aimed at preventing ‘Tainted Money’ through regulations or legislation.
  • The ‘No Tainted Money’ concept would become legislation.
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Priority 3 - Digital Space to be Governed by Law

Stopping criminal tainted money – a commitment that no-one should profit from human trafficking and modern slavery.

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St Saviour’s Church, Lewisham: The feast day of St Josephine Bakhita

09 February 2025