Priority 6

Moral Compass

Priority 6 Header

Resetting the moral compass so that human trafficking is seen for what it is and eradicating slavery becomes a priority for all.

Societal, business and government leadership plays a pivotal role in shaping opinions and how institutions prioritise and perform their duties. While policies and strategies set the roadmap, it is often the way leaders communicate and prioritise what is important that sets attitudes and cultures.

The Santa Marta Group will focus on attitudes and cultures that promote human dignity and protect the most vulnerable and challenge approaches that marginalise or create environments where exploitation thrives. In the words of Pope Francis, we must “challenge the culture of indifference.” Setting the moral compass to one where respect, dignity and humility are the norm will require a great deal of self examination, honesty and transparency.

To do this, the Santa Marta Group will:

  • Establish a group of leaders who believe in ethical and transparent leadership and are committed to substantive change in their own institution or sector.
  • Brokering broader recognition of the importance of ethical leadership within international organisations (eg G20, EU, and UN).
  • Encourage ‘Exemplo Ducamus’ - Leadership By Example.

How will we know if it is working:

  • More leaders, from business, politics, state agencies and local communities would drive policies that are ethical and promote human dignity.
  • The G20, EU, and UN would bring a focus on ethical and moral leadership.
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Be leaders wherever it behoves you to be. Leaders of thought, leaders of action, leaders of joy, leaders of hope, leaders of the construction of a better world.
Pope Francis 2015
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