Priority 4

International Instruments

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Revising and enforcing international legal agreements and commitments so they are relevant for today’s world.

Internationally, ending human trafficking and modern slavery has been a commitment for many decades. This includes the League of Nations 1926 Convention to End Slavery, reinforced by Article Four of the Universal Declaration and the European Conventions of Human Rights. The Palermo Protocol, EU Directive, Council of Europe Convention, ILO Convention on Forced Labour, agreements at the UN and the G20 alongside domestic legislation in over 170 UN member states, has been agreed.

These legal instruments, conventions and agreements offer the framework to end human trafficking and modern slavery, and to identify and support those who are exploited. And yet this abhorrent crime continues. Countries must take up their responsibilities, implement their laws and citizens should insist that governments abide by their declared agreements. Instruments need to be revitalised and implemented to suppress and eradicate this crime against humanity.

To do this, the Santa Marta Group will:

  • Promote the protocols, conventions and frameworks designed to stop human trafficking and modern slavery, or respond to those who are trafficked.
  • Work in partnership to inform communities of the commitments that have been agreed in their name at international, national and local level, encouraging that they demand accountability of local leaders.
  • Produce and disseminate role appropriate training materials for police, local government, civil society and faith groups.

How will we know if it is working:

  • High quality materials to increase awareness of multilateral and national commitments would become priorities in decision of local agencies and politically.
  • There would be more awareness and use of the measures needed and intended to respond to this crime.
  • SMG training materials would form part of routine and continued professional development.
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Priority 5 - International Institutions

Ensuring all international institutions use their platforms to fight human trafficking and promote human dignity.

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